Sunday, September 5, 2010


If impairment is one of the words employed in describing ‘sickness,’ then I am a very sick person. I am sick coz literally; I have lately discovered that I am to a greater degree impaired in unfortunately, all spheres of my life. I guess this must be a direct result of too much reading of stuff that has left me worrying either of the past or taken up too much by the future….this ain’t a good thing at all!!

Recently, I had to take one of my friends ‘out,’ that is too say, to a private spot with minimum noise and plenty of fresh air. This in normal circumstances was to involve taking a cold drink, watching some artificial pictures, that is; watching, on a screen, an image run around a pitch, chasing a ball that cannot stop. Afterwards, I was to hold this jamaa who was now too drunk, by the true sense of the word, and hire a Taxi, just to make sure that my friend reached safely back home. All this had implications!!
For the outing that is inclusive of the transport and other expenses, I had to part with enough Ugandan Mitualos, which was not an easy thing to do. Given my financial standing at the time, I realized that I was actually economically impaired. It forced me to go too deep into my pocket that at one point I had to tore them in the name of borrowing a soft loan for this very purpose. If you have ever had to incur a debt, you must know that it’s not the best of the positions to find oneself in. Apart from having enabled me to develop dodging tricks, it has left me psychologically tormented by figuring out how I should repay this loan. Truly, I’m a very sick person now.

Talking about sickness, my physical strength cannot allow me to support or lift something beyond 61kgs, this is according to a specialist I visited in an ‘international’ hospital. Given that my friend’s weight lies in the region of 80’s, my body is in torment, literally the whole of it!! I thought it was only the back, well, that was only a thought!! I am a very sick person.

My social standing now stands well below the normal levels, given that I have to always and at all times, dodge my friend whose money I still have. The dodging does not only involve the physical aspect, but also electronically speaking refusing to pick up his calls. Dear Jesus in heaven, I am impaired!

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this is lovely