Tuesday, March 23, 2010

tricky age

We are living in a tricky age,
In a world filled with rage.
When many people are making mistakes,
And the fate of humanity is at stake.
A globe where ‘I’ and mine alone matters,
For egoism is at the center of the matter.
Yet, it does not count!
Whether we are liberals or conservatives, religious or not,
It does not even matter,
Whether we are social or capitalists, rich or not,
It even counts less,
Whether we are intelligent or daft, wise or not,
It is of no point,
Whether we are fundamentalists or rational, staunch or partial,
Regardless of our colour or race; black or white, European or African,
Regardless of religion, race, nationality, status, and all customs,
Of everything we can feel, think, see or name.
We are all called to be a little bit more human, to love and serve!
For we should realize that everything we do
Affects not only our lives but others too,
That a single happy smile can always brighten the day’
For someone who happens to be passing by your way’
And that a little bit of thoughtfulness that shows someone we care,
Creates sunshine for both of us to share,
Yes, every time we offer a helping hand,
Every time we show a friend we care and understand,
Every time we have a kind and gentle word to give,
We find someone find beauty in this precious life we live.
For happiness brings happiness and loving ways brings love,
And give is the treasure that contentment is made of.
So my dear friends, humanity is the course we should take,
Healing human wounds and making sure we do not behind leave a speck.
For ‘humanity is like a great river flowing into eternity,’
Let us make sure we lead it there with all certainty!

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this is lovely