Tuesday, April 13, 2010

our short-sightedness

in normal circumstances, I'll rather go by my own rational dictate, but allow me to commit a fallacy here, wot you'll rightly call 'ad verecundiam.' I must agree with Kant that at all times, our moral acts should be done out of obligation and should be objective enough. on what is now the basis of human rights, Kant says that "Act in such a way that you treat ...humanity, whether in your own person or in the ... other, never merely as a means to an end, but always at the same time as an end" This thought has stood the test of time and on it, the human rights movements have been built. the foetus in the womb is not just the other, but it is a subject that cannot be reduced to a mere object...
if our parents would have taken us as just a 'mean,' most of us wouldn't have been born. No matter what we do,we cannot justify an evil. the clause as stipulated in the (Kenyan) draft constitution is too open as to allow a woman, without any good reason, to convince a doctor to flash a fetus from her womb....yet, rightly as it has been affirmed by various sensible people, Life starts at conception...and that's for sure a fact! I fully agree with religious leaders on this issue!

The proponents of such a subject are claiming that money has been lost, and i will be put to task and ask, "between money and human life, what's important?" Consumerism and pragmatism is killing us, we want quick fixes and cheap ones indeed. but if we are to face the future with zeal and hope, we must learn to sacrifice our resources for this very task.
Others are claiming that we have waited for long to have a constitution, that this is the time, "but what type of constitution should we have?" are we ready for just any constitution? This is absurd, i guess many of those making noise do not understand the meaning of such a noble document, they probably do not recognize that not only our future but the future of our grandchildren's children heavily depends on this document we are unnecessarily making a fuss over. This document holds the future of this generation and generations to come and doing a shoddy work creates uncertainty to the coming generations. Clearly, the apparent good in not always the befitting and indeed, we should be striving for the higher course, the befitting!
Behind any constitution are the rights of a human being, the most fundamental one being "the right to life.." if such a right is ambiguously held, then what's the use of a constitution anyway?

Reality is a complex thing, as i have experienced it anyway, and we have a choice, we can choose to enter into such a complexity and so explore it ( as Americans have of recent done with the health overhaul), or fear such an obligation and hand the future generation a raw deal. We have a choice!

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this is lovely